Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Learning Profile

In humanities class, we have been figuring out our learning profile. We did it by finding out our dominant hand, foot, eye, ear, and brain hemisphere. I ended up with the profile "K", which is Gestalt Dominant. 

I learn best when I am relaxed. When I am stressed, I would not be able to focus on things going on around me. I would only be able to think of the thing that worries me. I normally need to spend quiet time alone to cool and regather myself. I also try to do something that I really like, such as listening to songs I like, would also help me. Sometimes I think logically, and sometimes, I use my gestalt hemisphere. When I don't understand something, most of the times examples would help me. Sometimes, I just need explanations in words. 

I need to manage my time more wisely both in class and at home. I can sometimes go off task easily, and realize that I was wasting my time later. Or sometimes I spend too much time on one subject, and end up having to rush on the other things. Sometimes I expect good grades, so that's why I put so much effort on one thing while I forget about the time.

A strategy that would help me is that at home while do school homework, "private" homework that my mom gives me to do daily, and my chores (but I don't get pocket money for doing that; I just have to do it), I should set a timer, and try to finish it within that time. Another strategy would be to right a note in planner (in big and bold) about the work assigned and the due date, and then in my calender set up a routine. If it's a project, then I would break up the work into parts and do one or two parts per day, so that at the due date, everything is ready to turn in.

The thing that I want my teachers to know about me is that if you look over what I have written so far in this blogpost, it doesn't seem that I am a gestalt learner as what my profile said so. I tend to put everything in order, and I like to organize everything I do. To tell the truth, I don't really agree with the profile I ended up with. When I took the booklet home to review with my mom, she also didn't agree with my profile. So we used the chart on page 20 to figure out which hemisphere was my dominant one. I found out that I was more logic than gestalt. Here are some examples.
  1. I usually process from pieces to whole, not whole to pieces.
  2. I like to do everything exact - exact numbers, not estimation.
  3. I am planned and structured, not spontaneous, fluid.
  4. I think logically, I don't estimate so much.
  5. When I'm under stress, I tend to try harder, and still able to control my emotions.
Anyway, this doesn't mean that I am completely logical. I also have gestalt ways, for example:
  1. When figuring something out, I look for similarities, not differences.
  2. I am both future oriented and now oriented. (Both logic and gestalt)
  3. I am both structured oriented, and people oriented. (Both logic and gestalt)
  4. I have trouble expressing and cannot remember details when under stress.

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