Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Giver

Would you want your future to be decided by others? Why or why not?
No, I wouldn't. Even though the community the Jonas lives in a "perfect" community, and the Assignments given were carefully chosen by the elders, it is always us who know ourselves the best. They might be carefully chosen, but just by observation and not communicating at all isn't enough to limit or decide someone else's future, especially for the rest of their lives. There can be some mis-understanding or whatever Assignment someone gets might not be the one that they have always hoped for. Evidence is from the book, when Jonas was standing there in the Ceremony of Twelve. He wanted to shout out "NO", that they chose the wrong person, and just run off the stage. I wouldn't that to happen to me. I'd rather choose what I want to be, and I'd rather be the one who is in control of my own future.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great job! I liked the way you clearly explained WHY you didn't want anyone to decide your fate. I don't know why, but I thought, it is always us who know ourselves the best, sounded very funny. I can't see any grammer mistakes, so that's probably it. I actually saw this answer coming, because I remembered one time during lit circles discussions, I don't remember which, when you said the exactly the same answer.

  3. I really liked your blog because you clearly explained why you didn't want people to decide your life or future. I think you gave many good reasons and esplanations. I agree with Viet, I think you didn't do any grammar mistake so I think you did a really good job. I can tell what you really feel by looking at this blog. Good Job!! :)
